


Mountains unite us

The Andean Mountain Initiative is a platform formed by the seven countries that share a common territory: the Andes. Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela, on a voluntary basis, seek to strengthen the regional dialogue with the purpose of promoting and undertaking joint actions aimed at the conservation and sustainable development of the Andean mountains.



Encourage cooperation and agreements between the countries of the Andean region, in order to facilitate decisions aimed at the sustainable development of mountain areas and their populations, promoting adequate management, handling, conservation and governance of mountain ecosystems and the development of policies, strategies, plans and programs focused on the development of the mountain populations of the member countries, and on facing climate change.



By the year 2030, the IAM becomes an institutionalized platform for the integrated, coordinated and articulated management of mountain areas, which promotes sustainable development in a transparent manner and aligned with international commitments and the SDGs applicable to these spaces, for which purpose:

  • Protection and sustainable use is strengthened through measures for the maintenance of fragile ecosystems, providing opportunities for the communities and areas surrounding them.
  • Support is provided to national working groups and the development of common points of negotiation in environmental agreements related to mountain areas is encouraged.
  • It positions, strengthens and innovates aspects of cooperation and sustainable development of mountain ecosystems, favoring training, the development of collaborative programs and the management of information for communities and organizations responsible for mountain areas.


    • Integration

Coordination and implementation of regional and national interventions with plans and policies related to mountain areas.

    • Participation

Ensuring the intervention of the different actors and the complementarity of the technical knowledge and ancestral knowledge of the communities.

    • Sustainability

Promoting resilient and replicable practices with an emphasis on vulnerable populations.

    • Decentralization

Promoting projects and actions that integrate regional, national, sub-national spaces and instances, and local communities.

    • Transparency

Of actions and management, valuing the generation of trust and good reputation.


In 2002, the International Year of Mountains, the Declaration of Huaraz (Ancash, Peru) began various collaborative work spaces, in order to protect mountain ecosystems and improve the lives of the population. Within the framework of the Mountain Partnership, the Declaration of the Andes (2004) promoted a common vision for sustainable development, with social equality, conservation of ecosystems and respect for cultural heritage, and proposed to form a platform for America and Caribbean. The first Andean Subregional Meeting in 2007 agreed on the Action Plan for the Sustainable Development of the Andean Mountains.

Since then, the Andean Mountain Initiative has consolidated its organization through the formation of the Council of Member Countries, the Pro tempore Regional Coordination, the Technical Secretariat and ad hoc Groups, has followed the establishment of the National Mountain Committees of each member country, has developed exchange spaces with mountain platforms in the world, and is currently promoting the implementation of the Strategic Agenda on Adaptation to Climate Change in the Andes Mountains (formulated in 2017).

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